MFB pilsner malts and DMS creation?


Trying to troubleshoot off flavors.  I am getting off aromas and flavors similar to van camps baked beans ???. - so vegatative may indicate DMS or what?

I bottle, 99% light colored belgian beers and saison, have temp control, have used tap, RO, or mix, Check ph, I use +50% Pils (MFB) and boil for 90min.

I have worked a lot of characteristis but not the Pils itself.  It does not seem that a certain well modified Pils would gernerate more DMS than others.

Any ideas are appreciated.

All I can tell ya is that I don’t recall ever having a DMS problem when I used MFB pils.

Does the off-flavor/aroma get worse or better as the beer condition/ages?

When does it show up? Do you smell/taste in the hydro samples before/after conditioning? In the bottling bucket? Or just after opening bottles?

What does your bottling procedure look like?

Seemingly random questions, I know - but that kind of earthly flavor could be DMS, infection, autolysis, or vegetal flavors from trub/hops/etc. Knowing when/where may get us to how.

may be dumb question but do you boil with the lid on or off? I can’t see why you would pick up DMS otherwise according to your protocal.