Midwest Homebrewer of the Year - Michael Wilcox

I looked around a bit and did not see this anywhere.  If it has already been posted - sorry - I just saw it this morning when I was looking at upcoming competition dates.

Michael Wilcox - MWHBOTY.  Michael has been very gracious answering questions for me over the past couple years as well as sampling and giving me feedback on my beer.  He also sent me some of his home-brew a couple years ago - some of the best home-brew I have ever had.

Awesome to see him come out on top.  Congrats!

That is pretty cool. He is a regular at HomebrewCon, and I have tasted some of his winners.

Congrats, Michael! Well done.

“I…don’t know how to put this, but…I’m kind of a big deal. People know me. I have many shiny medals and my basement smells of raspberry melomel.”

(Thanks for the plug Kev. Check is in the mail. )  ;D

Ha… I was hoping for beer :wink:

Awesome job man - I was psyched to see you at the top of the list when I pulled up the website this morning.

Congrats Michael!!

One of the best judges and brewers I know. Cheers!

Congrats Michael.  That said, I’m still going to beat you in cider at NHC :stuck_out_tongue: