Mini fridge question

I posted this on another brewing forum as well after searching and not finding much. Maybe you guys can help…

Basically, I see these kegerators online for beaucoup bucks and I do plan on getting one eventually, but right now I just want a mini fridge I can put one or two cornies in and keep them cool.  No draft dispenser, no CO2 tank, regulator, any of that stuff.  Just a run of the mill $100-$150 mini fridge.

The problem is that all of the mini-fridges in that price range have built-in shelves, or can racks, or all sorts of stuff on the inside that makes fitting even one corny keg impossible. I’ll give you an example: here’s one that I’ve had since long before I started brewing, you’ll see (because I was bored enough to highlight) the areas I’m talking about: shelving built into the actual wall of the fridge.

Does anyone know of a generic, low-cost mini-fridge that’s just plain EMPTY? Like five plain walls and a door?

What you will need to do is find a mini fridge with only the freezer compartment that takes up the entire width and forms a U shape with the top open. You will need to bend it down (instructions can be found online) and cut the shelving from the door.

Fridges without the freezer compartment are more expensive because they are more of a PIA to produce and either have coils in the wall or a large plate of coils on the back.

I think you can find the fridge that Danby uses without all of the draft equipment, but I do not know the model number.

+1 This is exactly what I did for my ferm fridge. Got mine used when a neighbor was moving out.

I also cut some 2x4 to reinforce the bottom shelf (a bucket doesn’t fit on the bottom of the fridge).

I assume you’re using 1 gal or 2.5 gal cornies?

I look in the resale stores, Habitat, etc.  You can do the 2 x 4 option, or just cut the shelves out of the doors to give more room.  Take a round footprint of your kegs with you to measure, as well a tape to measure height.

No, 5 gallon ball lock, which is where the issue of space comes in  :frowning:

Not a bad idea - I may end up trying that this weekend. Thanks!

Any reason you don’t want to use a chest freezer with a temp controller? They give you the most space for your $, and are great on electricity. You can score a new, energy efficient model rather cheaply and it will practically pay for itself in the electricity savings.

It’s funny you mention that, that’s exactly what I was just researching. I think that may end up being the route I take.

+1 to chest freezer

After much research and debate I am going the chest freezer route myself to use as a kegerator and might even use it as a fermentation chambers at times.

Waiting for this to be delivered as we speak.

Yep, I think I’m going to scrap the fridge and kegerator idea altogether. After this afternoon’s research and you guys’ help, a chest freezer that I can put a temp control on (and later add a collar to with taps) is looking like a grand idea.
That will help out a lot too because my mom’s side of the family is very excited about my brewing but they generally only like lighter (lager) beers, so it will be good for lagering as well.
Thanks everyone!

Do your moms side of the family a favor and dont cater to their wants.  Make high quality tasty ales & lagers and introduce them to what they have been missing.