I want to build a two tap kegerator but am having trouble finding a mini-fridge with enough width to fit two Pepsi style cornys. Any suggestions? Also are there better/worse brands in reliability?
The link below seems like a good place to start with regards to finding a fridge/freezer that will fit your cornys.
I built my two tap from a Danby Designer series. Cooling element Is on the back wall for clearance and drilling the top for the taps. They will just fit with the co2 tank sitting on the back ledge.
I assume you used the “all refrigerator” model. That looks like it would work. Thanks for the tip.
Yes. All refrigerator. Conversion was easy enough. I even found a step by step how to website at the time. Using that helped relieve some of the fear of doing it wrong and destroying a new purchase.
I may go with that unit. Danby’s reviews are full of “received damaged” complaints. Wal-Mart has it online for $199. I’ll do a ship it site-to-store and inspect the bejeebers out of it before I pay up and take it home.