I’m contemplating a keg setup and would like to use the smaller < 2 gal kegs and make a kegerator with tap tower in a mini fridge.
Anyone have experience with the various mini-kegs sold through the big homebrew sites?
I’m contemplating a keg setup and would like to use the smaller < 2 gal kegs and make a kegerator with tap tower in a mini fridge.
Anyone have experience with the various mini-kegs sold through the big homebrew sites?
I bet you’ll be happier with small corny kegs than with mini kegs.
I brew small batches though. I’m not really interested in anything bigger than 2 gal. Any reason I might not like them? Inferior?
I used them for a little while, and even though they’re lined most of the way around the inside, the lip inside the bung hole is NOT. This means that they rust. Not quickly, but it happens within about a year. They’re also only good for about eight uses. I recommend a 1.5 or 2.5 gallon Torpedo Keg. Morebeer has them, as do a few other shops. If you’re worried about space, you can still condition-carb them and get an adapter that uses co2 cartridges, rather than going with a 2.5-5lb co2 tank. Long-term, it’s WAY cheaper, too.
The 1.5 gal torpedo are the perfect size. I was thinking 4 taps. I want to keg the non high gravity beers and bottle the others. Still in planning stages.
Morebeer sells 1.5 gallon cornies: http://www.morebeer.com/products/torpedo-ball-lock-kegs.html?gclid=CNnQ39-0w8oCFQMLaQodtsEOAg
Williams brewing sells 1.75 gallon cornies: Get your home brew keg from William’s Brewing today!
I know some people have had good luck with the mini kegs. There was a very long and detailed thread on the NB forum about how to use them successfully, but I’m not sure if it’s viewable any longer since they recently switched to a new format and pretty much killed any posts prior to 2013.
I think we’re playing semantics tag here. I really meant what you guys are referencing, not the mini 5L jobbers.
I’d go with 3 gallon pin locks. They’re pretty cheap at AiH.
You might only get two in a mini fridge though.
If your going mini fridge and trying for 4 taps the Morebeer Torpedoes are stackable. That may be the only way to get to 4 taps.
I’ll have to keep all this in mind.
Here is what I envision:
I’d likely build around a 4.4 or 5 cu. ft. mini fridge. I would like to frame out a 4 tap wooden tower.
I would modify the internals as needed and would like to fit 4 1.5 gal. torpedo kegs in. Is have to measure it all out and draw it up but that’s where my head is going. I’ve resisted the idea of kegging but we are planning on a decent bar setup in our next house and this would be perfect.
I’ll likely try and keg Pale ales, Browns, etc. and bottle higher gravity beers.
Check out the prices. You might could do two fridges an four pin locks cheaper than torpedoes.
Pn locks are crazy cheap.
Your probably right Joe. That might just be the excuse I need to grab a new MLT and some 3 gallon carboys and start doing bigger batches of the more “session-able” beers I like.
I’ll stick with small batches of higher grav beer for bottles though.
I’ll price it out and if 4 torpedoes at 1.5 gal can be had for a good price I’ll go with that. Other wise I’ll just do a 2 tower single fridge with 3 gal pin locks.
I’ve been looking at the various mini fridges and many, if not all, require a healthy amount of modification to hold kegs on the floor. This means the kegs would need to be on a shelf which could cause weight issues requiring a different set of modifications.
You might be better off buying a purpose built kegerator and modifying the tower for as many kegs as you can fit.
Not saying it’s impossible, will just take some work and maybe some compromises.
The best bet looks to be 2.5 gal ball locks in a 4.4 ci ft. Fridge
I agree.
After checking measurements on a few fridges it seems as though the following is doable and practical:
2.4 cu. ft. Kenmore
2 - 2.5 gallon ball locks.
2 tap Tower.
The door liner and freezer would need to be removed but the kegs will sit side by side on the floor with the tank setup on the shelf. Nice and compact.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I know very little about kegs and legging setups.
Did you account for the compressor.
Depth is ~21".
In my experience (I worked the warehouse at Sears all 4 years of college), the back shelf accounts for roughly 60% of the depth. So it will be tight but with the inside door section removed it should work out.
For sure inspect in person before you put money in, but from what I have seen, fridges of that size have maybe 6" on the floor without door modification. You would need to claim 2.5"+ from the door to make it work.
For sure inspect in person before you put money in, but from what I have seen, fridges of that size have maybe 6" on the floor without door modification. You would need to claim 2.5"+ from the door to make it work.
Oh for sure. No dispute there. I’d feel most comfortable with around 7" prior to the door mod. That would be adequate enough margin.