Mixed fermentation dry stout

Ok, so I have to pass this along.  It may not fit a BJCP category precisely, but I brewed a simple beer that tastes good and hit my expectations right on.  I brewed a dry stout and pulled about a pint and a half of the wort and inoculated it with White Labs Roselaere blend.  The main batch was just fermented with Nottingham.  After about 3 weeks, I heated the Roselaere to 150F to kill the bugs and racked it to a keg. Then I racked the main batch into the keg, cold crashed and carbed it for a Club sampling night of beer and food pairings- I paired it with Holiday sugar cookies.

Just sayin - it was freakin awesome.  The dry stout with the slight Brett dry horseyness really made a great contrast with the cookies.  Quite the treat, indeed.  You may want to give this a try for your holiday guests.  It probably approximates the old barrel fermented stouts of yesteryear.  If not, it makes a really tasty brew combo anyway.


Did you do any sample blends first or did you just go for it and dump the entire soured/brett portion in?

I tasted the small Brett portion and figured that it was pretty mildly leathery and just a hint of sour, so I dumped it all (racked it actually).  In the three weeks it was fermenting on the warm side, there wasn’t enough time to get that extended Roselaere sour and pedio combo to appear.  And I flash heated it to kill them all off before blending back to the main batch.

I am going to try it again with a further split batch of the souring parts and a lead of “lacto only” in one of them (like a pint) and let the Roselaere go on another pint for the Brett to be present in the blend.

That batch will require some blending to taste, I imagine.