Moktoberfest yeast recommendations?

I’d like to ferment some traditional Oktoberfest ingredients with an ale yeast strain so that I can have reasonably finished product ready for a September 24th party.  Was thinking of picking one or two of the German strains to make my starters from.  Any favorites or recommendations and why? Thanks!

Not sure you will have enought time to use an Alt strain since those typically have to be lagered after primary fermentation.  I am not saying it can’t be done, it just may be pushing it.  You may be able to pull it off with a california/San Francisco lager strain, but will have similar constraints.

Your best bet will be to use a large pitch of WLP001/WY1056 and ferment cool around 60F.  IMHO

1st WY1007 2nd Wlp001

I agree with Keith.  But keep in mind that if you want it to be much like an Ofest, you’ll need to ferment on the cool side and cold condition the beer, no matter what yeast you use.

That’s exactly what I plan on doing brew after next.  1007, by the way.

I’ve had some really good luck with warm fermenting the Wyeast Bohemian Lager yeast, in my CA Common recipes.
You may find that it’s a good option…But, probably won’t find anything that’s perfect.

I have one of these going right now with steam yeast (WLP810 San Francisco Lager) with a huge starter for 5 gals and it rocked thru at 62degF.  I’m hoping the big pitch will keep everything tasting nice and clean.  I’ll know how close it is to style in a few weeks.

Agreed.  That yeast ferments nicely in the ale temperature ranges.  I used it for a 1554 clone fermented in the lower 60’s.  Tasted nice.  Could be a bit estery for an Ofest though.

There’s always US-05.  Keep it cool and it will be a pretty clean beer.

Personally, even though you’ll only be able to lager it for 2-3 weeks, I’d brew it as a lager. Accept no substitutes!

Me too.

Has no one tried , wlp011?  Seems malty, german and can be fermented coldish.

Right now I have a moktoberfest fermenting right now with Wyeast 1338 after reading this article:

Here is a quote from the article from George Fix “Wyeast #1338 is the same as Wissenschaftliche Station No. 338, originally introduced into this country by Gary Bauer. It’s moderately attenuating and highly flocculent. This one is great if you want to brew an Oktoberfest-like ale, because the malt really comes through and the beer comes out big, soft, complex, and very malty. I’m really happy with the beers I’ve made with #1338.”

I’ve only tasted a few gravity samples, but it definitely accentuates the malt, with a nice German character. I did taste some esters but I couldn’t ferment any lower than 68, YMMV.

If you have access to Pacman, it is very good at producing clean, lagerlike ales, especially if you ferment in the mid-high 50’s. And it flocs out better than any attenuative “clean” strain I know of.

Be prepared to wait a good long time for the krausen to drop.  I used that yeast once and it basically built a giant loaf of bread on top of the wort and took forever to drop.  Good tasting beer, though.