I can’t ferment a lager but I can make an Oktoberfest inspired ale. I took a traditional Marzen recipe and used Wyeast German Ale 1007. It turned out great. Has anyone else tried doing this?
Notty lager is on my horizon. Have noticed a number of commercial top-fermented lagers popping up, it’s common in the UK, and the couple craft examples I’ve tried were dead on. (Then there’s all the new genetic evidence.) What kind of “cooler temps” did you run, Bama? (And I’d just call it lager, not lager-like. Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…)
34/70 is the best choice for this type of beer, IMO. It is a lager yeast that will produce a clean beer that tastes like a lager at 55-60F. There’s no need to use an ale strain when there’s a lager strain that works just fine at those temps.