I bought one of those. I received it a few weeks ago. Today I got it out to clean it up and get ready to fill it tomorrow and this is what I found.
I have been trying to get that outpost, or whatever it is called, off with a 25 inch long half inch drive breaker bar and it absolutely will not budge. You would think they would inspect a keg after reconditioning it. I am all done doing business with them.
I sent them an email with the photo attached. I don’t know what they can do about it that won’t involve me having to pack this thing up and ship it back to them. It just burns me that they replaced all the O rings and sent the thing out to me like this. I would thought they would have inspected it when they reconditioned it. I wish I would have inspected it closely when I unpacked it. If I did I would have sent it right back.
If they actually replaced all of the o-rings they would have had to take that post off, so if it won’t come off now they over tightened it. You could try soaking it in hot water or spraying it to loosen it up.
The dent on the post is not the worst thing in the world, they usually still work that way although sometimes you have to finagle the fitting on.
Do you know anyone with an impact wrench? Adjust it down to a low torgue setting and let it hammer away for a few strokes. The hammering will loosen it more easily than trying to brute force it.
It’s too bad so many people think you have to torgue everything down at 500+ ft/lbs to get a seal. 8^(
tschmidlin the fact that they had to have taken that post off is what burns me the most. First they KNEW the keg was bent there. They knew that makes the post difficult to get a socket on. And yet they sold me the thing anyway. To me that is a just plain shoddy way to do business. And if that is the way they do business I will take mine elsewhere. I don’t expect a used keg to be in mint condition. But I expect it to at least be usable.
or it took a hit in shipping. Looks to me like whatever made that dent in the post could well have been the same thing that bent the keg. In my experience morebeer is really responsive to customer complaint. If they don’t replace the keg THEN I would think about no longer ordering from them but accidents happen in shipping
I’ve bought several reconditioned kegs from them without a problem. Looks like this one slipped by them or +1 to Mort. Give Em a call and then get upset if they don’t respond.
Sometimes people turning wrenches just don’t get a feel for tightness. For example, removing an oil filter from a car should not take a boatload of special tools, but I have them in spite of that.
If you can get the post off, they can simply send you a new one.
Lay the keg down so you can put your knee on it. Have the fitting on the opposite side so that the leverage of the wrench is across the center of the top of the keg. You can even put a long pipe or rod through the openings of the rubber part to steady the keg so your wrench doesn’t turn the whole thing.
I have bought almost all my kegs from morebeer and they usually come in great condition. At one point I ordered three and two of them had the same problem as you had. Did just about everything to them with no luck. I don’t live to far the morebeer store so I was able to drive them over. They were very good about returning them. Actually the guy at the store was pretty surprised they got shipped out in that condition.
i was just thinking that maybe it was awfully tough to get off and the clerk who was reconditioning 30-40 kegs that day might have taken a short cut and just slapped a new o-ring on the post. Its been known to happen before
Here is an attempted close up. You can see the nut part is digging into the rubber which makes it pretty much impossible to get a good grab on with a wrench or socket.
Morebeer just responded to my email and offered to send a replacement keg. I am still not happy as this thing never should have left their business like this to start with. They had to have seen it. But at least they are doing something to make it right.