Mosiac Hops

Can anyone share their experience with using Mosiac in pale ales or IPA’s? I’m considering ordering some this week.

They stink.  I love them even less than Simcoe.  :P  Which is probably why so many people love them more than I do.  Treat them just like Simcoe, except they’re even more stinky.  :smiley:

They are dank and stinky… Just used some in an IPA in tandem with Amarillo. Still in the fermenter, so no tasting or scent notes…

To me, they are Simcoe minus the cat pee + fruity, blueberry character.

Oh, I detect even more cat pee than Simcoe, and also a certain sweatsock kind of thing.

Simco bitter with Mosaic late equals mango to me. Try Deschutes Fresh Squeezed

Mosaic is wonderful for a single hop IPA.  Love it.

I did a single hopped with them to see what I thought and they were alright but I didn’t get any of the alleged blueberry or melon notes. I also did not get any cat pee. They were ok but I didn’t see them as much different from what else is out there. I felt it was an example of too much hype about a new hop.
I will use what I have left but in a blend with other US C hops.

I get big citrus notes (grapefruit/lime) along with some mango and tropical fruit. There is also some pine, dankness and faint onion to my palate. The onion fades quickly and isn’t as offensive as something like Summit.

I get no comparison between mosaic and Simcoe, but I find mosaic mysterious. I’ve had mosaic hopped beers that are fruity and taste wonderful, and I’ve had them where I get a strong garlic flavor. I think serving temp has an effect too. I find it better I’ve cold. I think if it is complimented with the right combination of hops (which I don’t know one), it can be amazing. But for now, I’m struggling.

I’ve got a couple pounds of pellets and a couple pounds of whole leaf that I am itching to try! Maybe this week if I can get some empty carboys lined up!

Did this last night. Loved it. May try to make something like it since I have a pound of Mosaic in the freezer.

everyone’s taste buds are different thus all the different responses. I love mosaic, that fresh squeezed stuff is fantastic. For me, Summit, all I get is onion and broth, absolutely disgusting. Sometimes I get cat pee out of citra too… sometimes not. Its going to depend on your taste and I think when you use the hops will have a huge impact on what you taste. For me personally, save citra, summit and mosaic for 15m or less.

I did one that came close, I’d suggest simcoe early and mosaic late and go easy on the mosaic.

Deschutes lists Nugget, Mosaic, and Citra

I tapped an APA last night that is pretty tasty. Centennial at 60, Cascade at 15, and an ounce of mosaic at flame out. That blend came out candied tangerine-mango. Was calculated at about 50 IBU in a 6% beer. No dry hops but has plenty of aroma.

Sounds awesome!

Wife loves it. Funny but she’s catching the bug. She used to be a blue mountain only girl. Poured her one of these last night. She said oooh, pretty. Smelled it and said not too hoppy. Tasted and said I’m getting tangelo and sweetness but a little bread and dry at the end. Wahaha, a judge in the making. Much better than her normal That’s not bad, comments