2 oz of Motueka and want to try a quick and easy 1 gal dme batch to taste up this hop. Anybody used? enjoy? love? love to hate? is it juicy? (*Edit I was totally kidding btw)
I made the Summer Rye recipe in Gordon Strong’s book and to be totally honest I personally can’t taste the Motueka. I did it per the recipe and put all the hops in at flameout. There is no bitterness, I am not sure I can taste or smell anything. It will be a good summer lawnmower beer. If you are a hophead you will need more than the recipe called for (4 ozs for 20 minutes before chilling in 11.5 gallons.)
This was my first time using them.
Motueka is one of my all-time favorite hops. It is a daughter of Saaz, and has a lot of that spicy/herbal noble hop character. But then it has a nice layer of lime zest and lemongrass on top of that. It’s not super oily and will easily get lost alongside other hops in an IPA blend. But on its own or paired with a hop like Sterling or Mandarina Bavaria it is fantastic. It makes a great hoppy lager or APA.