I finally enterd my first homebrew competition at the county fair. I’ve always had an excuse for not entering - I hate bottling, but the truth is I’ve been too lazy or maybe intimidated that if I compete it will take the fun out of my brewing. Well I decided that it was time and what I really wanted was good feedback on my brews especially the negative comments (friends don’t give negative comments when they are drinking free beer). I received 1st place for my American Barley Wine and 3rd place for my Amber Ale. The Barley Wine came in a close second for best of show - I was so close to having my Barley Wine brewed at the local brewery. Anyway, I don’t want to just toot my own horn, but I would like to thank all of you on the forum who have helped me with tips, hints, and ideas that have helped me brew better beer(not a commercial for Gordan’s book :D). It is nice that accomplished homebrewers take the time to help others out like myself. Thanks again