My Floating sack problem

I am about to infuse my mango blonde ale with 13oz of hibiscus. I don’t want the sack to float I think it would be better if it floated about mid carboy.

I am thinking about marbles or maybe a heavy stainless steel lug nut or something but I am afraid of how they would chemically react with the fermenting beer.

What do you guys use?

I use a large ceramic soup bowl in a 5 gal bucket to dry hop. I wrap the hops and the bowl in cheesecloth and lower it all in. It took me a while to find a bowl heavy enough, but it works great.

I use sanitized marbles to weigh down hop bags (or bags of whatever). Works fine.

+1 I have let hibiscus sit on top as well, and got plenty of flavor.

Happy to see this thread isn’t a warning about the latest venereal disease.

Or some sad bathtub disorder.    ;D

I was thinking it would be a VD that was only apparent while in the bathtub.

Bathtub? Toilet bowl kinda makes more sense… But why? Am just 30 :sweat:

Man, I totally thought this thread was about something else…Glad there were no pictures provided!  ;D

Based on my experience dry hopping with hops in a bag, weighing it down isn’t necessary.  I don’t know why people work so hard at something that makes so little difference.

my dried hibiscus sank almost immediately.

Hahah  ;D

And while you’re at it, unless you’re in the serving keg even the bag isn’t worth the effort, IMO.

I find that my dry hopping works better if I can get the hops sitting in the mddle of the beer instead of floating on top of it but ymmv.

only once… and it was after surgery…

Ditch the sack and rack onto pellets in the secondary.  They float.  Cold crash it and they sink.  Top, bottom and everything in between - all bases covered.