So I was cleaning and left some black, liquid out, keg connectors soaking in star san. I forgot about them for about a week and opened the bucket they were in and the metal portion has turned blue and the whole lot smells like some metallic smell.
Are they toast or can they be cleaned? I’m soaking them in pbw now. I don’t mind buying new ones but I hate to let plastic go to a landfill so my descendents can find it 35,000 years from now and say, “What kind of idiot left keg connectors in sanitizer for a week?” Not sure why this happened.
HI! I’m assuming the metal portion you are talking about is where the tube connects? Regardless - starsan is acidic and can have this affect. Not sure what kind of metal is on those quick disconnects but I always assumed SS. Those are cheap enough that I would throw it out. There’s a good chance that if you can smell the metal you may also taste it. For what those things cost - why risk it? Just my 2 cents.