Narragansett Lager recipe?

Friends enjoy Narragansett Lager and want me to brew. I tried and really this is a good lager. Not great, but good.

I searched the 'net for a recipe. No luck.


If you’re on FB you could contact the head brewer, Lee Lord, and see if she’ll give you any tips.

Sorry, but, don’t do FB

Try emailing them. You never know.  They may not give you the complete recipe, but they might drop a few hints.

I emailed them a few months ago. No reply. That’s why I thought I’d try here.

Bastards.  I can understand them not wanting to share a recipe, sort of, but to not reply at all and at least thank you for enjoying their beer…well that’s poor form IMO.

I’ve gotten replies from them in the past in regard to other Gansett items. I didn’t want to bug or hound them for an answer about a recipe. Surprised I’m unable to find a clone.