National Competition Results Coming Soon

Thanks to everyone who entered the NHC this year!  All 9 U.S. competitions reached the 750 paid entry maximum almost a week before the entry deadline; an astonishing feat that makes this competition the largest beer competition in the world by a landslide!

In order to be fair to all entrants of the National Homebrew Competition, the winners lists for all 10 competitions will be posted simultaneously.  Two competitions just completed their judging on Saturday, April 30th, so look for the Winners Lists soon.

The AHA sends a huge THANK YOU out to all of the volunteers who ran the First Round competitions.  This competition wouldn’t be possible without the time, effort, dedication and sacrifice of the First Round Organizers, Judge Coordinators, and competition staff!  Possibly more importantly, the AHA thanks all of their spouses and families for their patience and understanding during March and April.  Thanks also to all of the judges and stewards who volunteered at the competitions.  HOMEBREWERS ROCK!