National Homebrewers Conference Open Registration

Brew’s up! There’s still time to secure your place at the 2015 National Homebrewers Conference, June 11-13 at the Town and Country Resort in San Diego.

With 60 seminars, 80 speakers, 17+ hours of Homebrew Expo & Social Club, as well as dozens of San Diego’s 90+ breweries pouring their beers at the Welcome Reception, this year’s conference promises to be a truly memorable event.

Registration is first-come, first-served, and capacity is limited so register soon! You must be an American Homebrewers Association (AHA) member to register.

Details and registration information can be found at


Is there a way to buy just an extra banquet ticket if I’ve already purchased the full package (including banquet ticket)?

Just finished with the motel.  Everything is set: Registration, flights, rental car, and motel!  Really looking forward to my first NHC.  Arriving Monday, leaving Sunday.  8)

You will have a blast!

When will hotel registration be available?  Will the AHA rate be in effect for the entire week?  I plan to arrive on Monday and leave on Sunday.

Its available now.  I got an email with a link to get my reservation in.

All set here. Hope to meet y’all.

Conference and hotel registration went smooth as silk. Nicely done, AHA. (lthough I do have to admit there was nothing like the excitement and adrenaline rush of the conference and hotel scramble for the Philly conference.)

I booked this last night also.  Does anyone know if they will let us chose which part of the hotel to stay in?

Alright Gary…I can’t go this year so it’s time to leak the location for next year :wink:

Wish I could make it…I’ve never been to California and I bet the Brewing Network 10th Anniversary party is going to be insane!

The Town & Country booking site had options for the areas around the hotel grounds. I opted for one of the towers as opposed to the gardens.

Space in the banquet is very limited, so for the time being banquet tickets are only available to those registered for a full conference or social package.

I opted for Towers as well from the very limited positive reviews I could find online… most of the positive ones suggested the Towers.

Glad you’ll be there, Steve!

I think so.  At least my reservation was for the tower.

I never received that e-mail, which is why I am drawing a blank.  What’s up?

I also remitted payment for my tickets quickly.  Someone at the AHA needs to look into this problem.

The AHA mailing software has a fatal bug in that unsubscribing from receiving AHA spam also unsubscribes one from receiving notification about NHC hotels after remitting payment.  All of the good rooms in the Town and Country are booked.  I remitted payment on the 5th.  Someone should have noticed this impedance mismatch.

If you unsubscribe from AHA/Brewers Association emails, our email service will prevent you from receiving any emails sent via the service–that’s exactly how it is supposed to work.  Rather than unsubscribing you can “manage your subscription preferences” (at the bottom of all emails there are links to unsubscribe and manage your preferences) to limit the emails you receive.  To resubscribe, fill in your email address in the “Sign Up For Our Newsletter” field at the bottom right of any page on and hit submit.  You’ll get an auto generated email response with a link that allows you to opt-out of specific emails.

The problem is that it is not at all obvious to a member that unsubscribing from AHA spam also unsubscribes one from receiving NHC hotel notifications, especially when the registration itself is handled by a third party.  I would not have known that a notification went out had I not been a member of this forum.  Yet, I received notification that I was “in” as well as receiving my invoice from Altitude Tickets.  That’s why I am referring to this problem as an impedance mismatch.