NE IPA Hops Question

So Im going to brewing an NE IPA this weekend.  I’m going to bitter with either chinook or warrior.  The hops I plan on using as late additions/whirlpool/steep are:  Hop hash, 007 the golden hop, Experimental Grapefruit, and just a little Citra. Dry hop with Citra and Hop Hash.  How does that sound?

Personally, I wouldn’t use the Warrior or Chinook. Or any bittering hop really. The important thing is to focus on whirlpool and dry hop, especially dry hop. The varieties you listed would probably work, although I don’t have any experience with all but citra. So that’s based on what I just read a few minutes ago. My favorite hops for this style are some combination of mosaic, citra, equanot (equinox) and/or el dorado. So as long as you’re using similar-ish hops you’ll probably be fine. I would definitely limit your use of the hop hash though. Some of the AA% concentrations I was reading seem intense.

Your yeast selection is also just as important as your hops.

I also would like to hear hops suggestion for this style, something different to citra and galaxy.

I have used 2/1/1 ratio of Amarillo, Citra and  Simcoe (in that order) to good effect on the dry hop. Not sharp, with some awesome medley of fruit flavors.

And no, Simcoe does not taste or remotely smell of cat pi**. I don’t know where people get that.

Most new hops are fair game. Look for super fruity hops or super fruity + piney or dank.

I didnt want to use citra since i used that already in another ipa.  What about bittering with apollo and then using Amarillo, Mosaic and Simcoe?

I think that would be good but remember you want little if any bittering hops in a NEIPA as mentioned already.

will do!

Smell your Apollo. I’ve had mixed results with it. Some years it is rather bland, but I’ve had Apollo that had some amazing orange + dank aroma and would be a perfect fit for a late addition in an NE IPA.

Aside from the ones already mentioned: Vic Secret (passionfruit), Nelson Sauvin (grapefruit, muscat), Caliente (red plums), Enigma (citrus/fresh spruce tips) would all be good choices that would set your beer apart from the typical Citra/Galaxy options.

thanks. I didnt end up getting apollo to use sparingly as bittering. Im going to go with CTZ

Also worth considering using hop extract for a bittering addition. From my experience it balances the malt sweetness well without imparting too much of its own character. Plus you will get some bittering in the whirlpool. I know this is a hop variety question but I figured I’d throw this in.