Need Classic Chugger Pump O-Ring specs

Ended up ruining the clear/white silicone housing o-ring in my classic Chugger pump. I find a few places online selling the o-ring for, IMO, absurd prices.

Anyone know the o-ring specs? Looks to me maybe 2.5 ID and 2 11/16 OD.

Anyone have a source, maybe McMaster-Carr, etc, for a pack of them?


See if this works. McMaster-Carr

“This from a post by Walter at March pumps in 2011 on another site: You can get one from McMaster…its the same as our’s. Look for an ASA -036 which is a 2-3/8"ID with a 2-1/2"OD with a 1/16"CS and you can pick what ever material you want from McMaster or any other supplier. Ours are normally silicon rubber.


Thanks, but unfortunately, no. These are for March pumps. Don’t work in the Chugger.

The Chugger part is CP-23, but I’m sure someone have a better price than $1.99 each.