I have a rendition of BVIP that’s been sitting for about a month in 2nd. It’s flat out done. I used a sugar tablet in a 12 ounce bottle just to get a feel for the beer and after 2 weeks, no carbonation. Thinking I need to pitch some yeast. I’ve read a bunch of threads but not one seems to offer up an amount of dry yeast or if XX amount of healthy slurry can be used. Can anyone offer a tip or two.
I’m gonna shoot for 2.5 vol’s = 3.25 ounces sugar. Somewhere I recall reading 1/2 pack of dry would work? Or how much slurry.
Are you sure it isn’t the fault of the tab? In general, I find them pretty unreliable, but I haven’t tried all the brands. I have never needed to add extra yeast to carb that beer.
Definitely could be the tab. But I’m seeking a reasonable amount of slurry or dry as insurance. Enough to ensure carbonation, not enough to pick glass out of the walls.
I don’t think the amount of yeast has much to do with the level of carbonation. That’s the sugar’s job. You could put an entire yeast starter in it at bottling and it would only eat the amount of sugar that’s in the liquid. As Denny says, a portion of a package of dry yeast is probably sufficient if you think there’s no yeast in suspension. If the beer lacks Oxygen, dry yeast will supply enough of that as well.
Thanks Gents, makes sense that yeast can only eat what residual sugar is available regardless of how much. Denny confirmed my 1/4 pack notion. Doesn’t seem like an intimidating amount of yeast to work with and at the very least will make my mind happy.