Need some advice!!!

I was planning on brewing a 10 gallon batch of Dopplebock this weekend and am about to get my starter going when I realized the 3 yeast packs are from May 3, 2011. (Bringing my 17 month old son ingredient shopping…BAD IDEA). According to MRMALTY.COM, my yeast viability is only 10%. Do you think I’ll be able to get a large enough starter going by Sunday if I make it tonight? My thought was to do a 5 gallon starter with the 3 packs, decant and do it again Saturday morning with that same yeast cake for a Sunday pitch. I was going to call tomorrow to see if they had gotten more packs. (Wyeast 2206) I am using a stir plate with oxygenated wort and yeast nutrients.

Thoughts? If i don’t brew this weekend I’m not brewing for another 2 weeks and thats not gonna make me a happy camper.

I would brew a lower alcohol beer like a Dunkel or Helles to get my yeast count up and then use the yeast cake from that to ferment the Doppel Bock in 2 weeks. The timing should work out well.

Great advice… I didn’t think of that. Thanks!!!

Yep, that’s how I grow up yeast for high gravity beers as well - by starting with lower gravity beers.


I brew starters, 5 gallon starters that I drink  ;D ;D ;D;)

Awesome! I got my ingredients for a munich helles today and they had some fresh packs of 2206, so i grabbed a few of them and will be brewing a tasty starter tomorrow.

Thanks all!!!