good evening folks,
my name is Nico Miranda, i am looking to brew my first batch of homebrew. i already have my ingredient kit picked out. i have decided to go with Jim Rossi’s Honey Pale Ale - Extract Beer Kit - Item#: KIT710. i am looking for a yeast that will go great with a honey type pale ale. does anyone have any recommendations? dry yeast or liquid yeast? california yeast or english ale yeast? please help me, i really want to get my first batch going as soon as possible. thank you in advance for any help.
here is the link to the ingredient kit i want to get.
He suggests WLP002 so I’d go with that. BTW it’s a great yeast but you must ferment in the 60’s. If you don’t want to do a starter the S-04 dry yeast is pretty good as well.
Good luck on the first brew and welcome to the AHA forum. Start thinking on how you want to control your fermentation temps. Ask lots of questions days before you start brewing. You’ll get quick answers.
thank you so much for the quick responses. i think im going to go with the dry yeast, since this is my first brew and i have no clue how i would control my temp. thanks again guys.
The quick and dirty temp control is a big rubbermade bin that your fermenter will fit in, filled with water and frozen plastic soda bottles of ice depending on your climate you can even get away with a tee shirt over the fermenter and kept wet.
thanks for all the help guys. I decided to go with Honey Pale Ale extract kit and the White Labs English Ale Liquid Yeast. this is my first brew so please wish me luck. and once again. thanks for all the help.