I’ve been brewing for 30 plus years and I still do a lot of thing the way I was originally taught and so are my books and references. Still love my 1st Ed of “The Complete Joy of Homebrewing”. by Charlie P. I’m working on changing old habits and want to start brewing New England IPAs, Sours, etc. Does anyone have some suggested reading? I recently bought “American Sour Beers” by Tonsmeire, Michael; “Wild Brews: Beer Beyond the Influence of Brewer’s Yeast” by Sparrow, Jeff and “Tasting Beer, 2nd Edition: An Insider’s Guide to the World’s Greatest Drink” by Mosher, Randy.
Tonsmeire’s book and the Milk the Funk wiki (Milk The Funk Wiki) are two good resources for brewing sour beer. Tonsmeire’s book doesn’t go a lot into kettle souring and to the extent it’s covered there has been a lot of changes in ideas and processes since. The MTF wiki will be a better guide if that is your desired path.
I 100% agree with your selection of Mosher’s “Tasting Beer”
Excellent information and well written.
Garret Oliver’s “Brewmaster’s Table” is geared toward beer pairings but is an excellent read even if Oliver comes across as a bit of a fancy pants. Can’t deny he might be one of the best brewers on the planet.
“Extreme Brewing” by Sam Calagione of Dogfish Head. Gets right to the point and it’s impossible to not feel Sam’s excitement towards beer. Strong, weird beer recipes that make me want to stop reading and get a batch started. An excellent reminder/ introduction that nearly every culture in the world has a brewing tradition. Cheers!