Need to use some excelent chocolate

Okay I just got sent some absolutely amazing dark chocolate bars that are Coconut curry. These are simply the best chocolate bar I have ever eaten. I immediately thought “hmm I want to brew with these.” I want to make something a bit unique. I recently did a stout and would rather not just do a chocolate stout again. Any fun ideas out there. Also  I have used cocoa powder before but not actual chocolate when do you all add this to your brew?

I would shave the chocolate and add it to the secondary. How about in a Belgian Dubbel? Or maybe Belgian Strong Dark?

At the end of the boil (flameout) and steep. In a cool secondary it’ll just float in suspension.

Interesting I like the belgian dubbel idea. I will add it add flameout. If I did want to put it in secondary could I melt it first and then add it. Although I don’t want to boil it as I would ruin the chocolate but then I would be risking infection. Hmmm. Maybe I will go with flame out.

For my stout, I typically add a 8 oz chocolate bar with about 5 or 10 minutes left in the boil.

I break it into pieces and toss it in.

I get noticeable flavor this way.

There was an episode on brewing tv(and a recipe) where Chip made a stout and threw the chocolate in the microwave to melt it down, took some of the hot wort mixed it in there(to temper it and help get it out of the bowl) and then dumped it into his boil very early on, I believe at 60 min actually. The recipe is posted on brewingtv.

About 4oz. of cacao nibs in the secondary for a stout or a porter give a very clean chocolate flavor.  This is usually my go to for a “chocolate” beer. Maybe 2oz. for a brown or dubbel?

Do you do anything to sanitize them or just throw them in?

Sanitize the bag, but otherwise just throw them in.  Think of it like dry-hopping or cold-steeping with cacao nibs instead of hops or coffee.  I have never had a sanitiation issue doing it this way.  Generally I “dry-nib” for 3-7 days depending on the beer, sampling the keg daily to taste and then I pull the nibs when ready.

Take the chocolate, unwrap it and break into smallish pieces. Not here’s the important part, if you do this part wrong it will all go badly, place one piece on your tongue and let it melt slowly, swallow and repeat.  ;D

I say if it’s that good eat it and use nibs or high quality powder for your beer. the coconut and curry will be largely lost in 5 gallons of beer while it is likely at the perfect level in bar form.

or take others advice

My sentiments exactly!  I think it will disappear in the beer, on top of being difficult to integrate.

or make a mouse with it. that would be really good i bet.

**EDIT because mouse is not what i meant **

moose is not right either. can’t do accent marks. hey one of you spelling nazis help me out here. fluffy sweet cream or egg whipped and mixed with chocolate is called…?

I saw this too and I’m going to try it soon.  He used unsweetened Baker’s chocolate.  I’m not sure about doing 60 min though, maybe 15 or 10.

My experience is that a lot of the cocoa powders and baking chocolates tends to settle out in the kettle and leave a mess behind in the kettle and/or fermenter.  But, if you go that route it has to be added to the kettle.  If you think your beer gases off when adding hops, wait until you see the mess it creates when you add cocoa powder to the secondary!

Yeh 60 seems extreme to me.

Also the unsweetened is extremely important!


Thank you!!!