Nelson Hops

Smelling and tasting the Regal Pale Ale I just brewed recently and it’s my first time brewing with Nelson. I’m really (pleasantly) surprised with the aroma and taste of this. Smells a lot like a muscadine wine or white zinfandel and taste like melon.

Try pairing it with Galaxy sometime, especially dry hops.

Yeah, Nelson is a pretty unique hop. It definitely has a vinous, white grape character.  And +1 to Galaxy with it - it seemed like a crazy combo, but Stone made one of their ‘Enjoy By’ IPAs with that combo and it was pretty damn good. And Nelson really works in saison too - the vinous nature of saison yeasts together with Nelson is mighty tasty IMO.

It definitely has a vinous, CHEAP white wine grape character.


Nelson is to my palate as Fuggles is to Denny’s, or Simcoe is to my wife’s. It is in the do not like category. I do not object to Fuggles and like Simcoe, for the record.