New England IPA Extract Recipe

Hello everyone!

This is my first post here on AHA and it certainly won’t be the last. I was wondering if anyone had any good NE IPA extract with specialty grains recipes? This is going to be my first brew that didn’t come out of a pre-made kit (i.e. Brewer’s Best, Jaspers, etc.). Hopefully after I move out of my s***ty apartment I can start doing all grain batches.


Edit: I have also made about 15 five-gallon batches, so I have some decent equipment and brewing knowledge.

Its been a good long while since I’ve made an extract beer, but I believe a large component of NEIPAS is there water profile and yeast selection. perhaps one of the resident water gurus could tell you more about the water aspect, but I have heard many people are having success brewing this style with Wyeast London ale III yeast, or a strain referred to as the “conan” strain. carries both of them and I have ordered from them in the past and their shipping and prices are good.

As far as hops go, I believe a small bittering charge at the beginning of the boil, followed by an absolutely huge amount of flame out and dry hops. I believe varieties like centennial, mosaic and galaxy  are popular.

Check out Blog - Scott Janish for lots of info on NEIPAs.  You can use any “oily” and fruity hops you like.  The specialty grains in NEIPAs, mostly flaked oats (oatmeal) or flaked wheat, have to be mashed.  You can substitute malt extract instead.  Because malt extract is an unknown in terms of its mineral composition, I recommend  staying below 100 ppm of chloride and 100 ppm sulfate rather than the higher concentrations used by Scott Janish.

If you can steep grains you can do a mini mash. Get a 5 gallon paint strainer bag so you have a loose bag. A pound or two of two row and your pay and what have you. Mash for 60 in your kettle. Add extract do the rest.

Can’t edit from taps talk. That should say two row and your specialty grains.

I am not completely sure, but my go-to (Hop testing) APA has been referred to as similar to a lower gravity NE-IPA, so it may help out. I use 100% extract in it, because it is designed for testing out hop varieties.

30 minute boil.
1 3.3lb can of Rye LME
3lb of Pilsner light DME

1oz of Columbus (CTZ) at 30 minutes
3-4 oz hops at flameout
3oz dry hop

It usually ends up about 5-5.5 percent (depending on boil-off). I ferment with the Barbarian Strain from Imperial Yeast.

If I were to try and make this more of an NE-IPA, I would up the DME by 2-3 pounds, and maybe use Wheat LME rather than the Rye LME. If I used wheat LME, I would probably steep about 1/2lb of medium crystal (40-60L)

Thanks for all of the responses, guys!