New German Only(Brewing) site and forum

All, we’d like to introduce a new project we’ve been working on.  It’s a blog and forum, in conjunction with the German Brewing Facebook page.  But we need a place to post articles and technical conversation that goes hand in hand with our real time conversation in Facebook.  It’s so hard to keep up with technical discussion sometimes and we feel a blog and forum will let the information live on better, longer, and to a wider audience.  We are just getting started, but would love your help and participation!  it’s in it’s infancy, but check it out and stay tuned.  Sincerely, Brandon, Bryan, Steve, and Kit.

Sounds like a fun site.  If nothing else some nice dirndl’s there on the right side photo!

Thanks, this will be THE site for all things German in America, ESPECIALLY beer and brewing. 8)

Belgian myself, and although Belgium and Germany are neighbors the mutual interest in each other’s beer seems to be close to zero. Don’t know why that is.  :smiley:

And sorry for being a dork, but you should have your tagline  “Lecker Deutsche Brau Kultur” revised by a native speaker of German (unless it HAS been written by a native speaker and then I’m just making a fool of myself).

nice- joined up as Heisenberg  8)

Cool! I’m really excited about this!

Yeah, very cool !  I’ll be keeping track.

Köstliche deutsche Braukultur is how Google translate lists it and it must be true since it’s on the internet :slight_smile:

That is a classic picture…I see it everywhere.  I honestly don’t think they actually exists :slight_smile:

Just signed up on the forum and will be watching…I love German styles and definitely want to improve my technique.

Ah, this is the secret society you’ve been talking about on the Northern Brewer forum, Bryan. hehe. I joined up as Beersk. Thanks for sharing…I guess it’s no longer a secret society now.

Part of it isn’t  :wink:

Cool guys,

We are working on getting all the information we can transferred over.

Ich dachte, das Forum würde auf Deutsch nur

Well not the language at least, just discussion about the beer and culture  :smiley:

Yea, just kidding, but at first I really did take the topic title to mean a forum in the german language.

Good call, I edited the title to be more clear.

I still think you need to revise your tag line because it doesn’t make sense to me. :slight_smile:

Right now you have “lecker deutsche Brau Kultur” which to me means something like “delicious German brew culture.” This stands out as an incorrect Internet translation because a culture can’t be delicious (unless it’s some sort of sourdough or microbial culture) and the word “lecker” doesn’t agree in gender or number (no inflection) with its noun “Kultur” (should have an -e).

If you’ll tell me what you want to say,  I’ll try to offer up a translation that I think would be correct based on my experience.  Without knowing your intentions, I would suggest something like “Ein Blog über leckeres deutsches Bier und Brauen” = “A blog about delicious German beer and brewing”

Just trying to help. …

An alternative could be to drop the “lecker” and simply write “Deutsche Braukultur” or something along those lines.

Or…you could change the tagline to say, “German Brewing Culture” because, after all, we are Americans/speak English and  aren’t native speakers of the language and also shouldn’t try to misrepresent another culture/language/heritage. But either way, I really don’t care.
I find it amusing when people go out of their way to try to pronounce things from other cultures correctly and with an accent. While, I don’t blame them for doing it, they often sound pretentious and douchey, in my opinion.

In defense of the OP, I don’t think using a foreign language or speaking it with an accurate accent is pretentious or douchey. After all, not all Americans speak only English, and some Americans don’t speak any at all. Sorry to be disagreeable–just a difference of opinion.  :slight_smile:

I see your point. But this is definitely the case in a lot of people.
But when I say “gesundheit” to someone, I like to say it in a very loud and aggressive German accent, “Gesundheit!!!”