New Member Introductions (?)

Howdy from Texas. Didn’t see a place for new people to introduce themselves like on other forums, so I hope I am not out of line for creating such a thread here. Thought it may be helpful for new members looking to build their trust rating, as well… Long time lurker, but freshly joined; not so new to brewing/fermenting. No matter how much I know or learn (usually the hard way), there’s always so much more… I remain humble - some of you are way beyond my level.

Been stepping up my game recently with new teks & gear (all grain, kegging, etc). To preface any posts, please know that I have done extensive research about every question I ask before I asked it. So even if one of my Q’s or comments seem, well… ‘uninformed’ - at least know I am not entitled or lazy (not asking as a shortcut, instead of learning on my own). If I came to ask, its because sometimes I cant find more specific answers, or too many different ones can make decisions about how to best handle things harder. I value you more experienced folks’ opinions, and thanks for goin’ easy on me! :slight_smile:

I also understand for every Q there are multiple and often contradictory answers, and more than one ‘right’ or acceptable way to do things. I take everything with a grain of salt, and either adopt a great idea into my own workflows or form my own methods, sometimes by a combination of those great ideas presented.

Finally, many thanks to those veterans who are contributing to the community! I have certainly learned a lot and honed my techniques due to sites like this one. [you know who you are- much love, peace & blessings!] :beers:



Personally, I usually google before asking questions, but I don’t worry if my question is a repeat of something others have asked. This is a discussion board. We are having an ongoing discussion about homebrewing. I think we are all friends here. When we ask our friends for advice the question is equal parts to get the advice and equal parts to keep the conversation with friends moving along.


Regarding questions: I have found that in this hobby, a question that may have had a definitive answer 15, 10, 5 or even a year ago may have a completely different answer today. And all answers don’t necessarily apply to the way you brew, or I brew, or…


True story! I also just found the ‘Introductions / Brewer Bios’ section after going to All Categories so…, my bad! :sweat_smile: If moderators want to move or delete this thread it’s all good @juliaherz Cheers