Hi Everyone, I’m new to the forum here, have been an avid homebrewer for about 3 years, but have just joined over here. I’e been active on other forums for a couple years now.
I just wanted to take a second to introduce myself, Thanks and cheers
Hey Dave! Welcome!
Hi Dave!
Thanks ! Cheers
Welcome! And a member of the Maltose Falcons, too? Something tells me you will be a great addition to the AHA forums…
Thanks! I hope so. I love being a Falcon, It’s such a great group of brewers and people.
Welcome to the forum!
Welcome aboard!
A Falcon, huh? Hey, Drew, do we give this guy the hazing?
Welcome to the Forum!
Oh, sure, get the Prez in on it too!
Welcome…great knowledge here- and great people.