My first batch here in Idaho, did all right, as far as the fermentation temp goes. Was able to keep it around 65*. But, with summer coming up, I knew I needed to do something, since I don’t have that sweet fermatorium that I built under my basement steps back in Ohio. Don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner, but I had a small fridge laying around that I took out of our camper, when we got the propane fridge. So, I cleaned it up today, and installed my Love temp control in it. Works like a dream. It’s holds a bucket of carboy just fine, with room left for a blow off bucket. Sure, my demi-jon won’t fit, but that thing is a pain in the sack anyways. Think I am going to hit the scrap yard tomorrow and get a piece of diamond plate for the front of it.
Nice. I’ve fallen in love with mine.
That ought to keep you brewin’ through the summer. Cheers!!!
Nice job Barry!
IMO…a fermentation control chamber is one of the most important pieces of equipment that a brewer should own. The beer will only suffer without it.
So true Bluesman. Anyone can brew beer, but the fermenation is where it’s at. Gotta be able to control it.