Pimp my Fermentation Chambers!

Had my old fermentation chamber die, so I decided to go a new route and built something a little different. I had been running a single brewpi, but with the new setup I wanted independent controls for each fermenter. I started with the addition of these:

Then I bought a few of these from amazon for cheap:

Against my wifes dismay, I did what any normal person would do and strip it down and cut a giant rectangle out of the door.

Then I went to Home Depot and picked up some supplies…FRP edging, some silicone and a couple sheets of plexi. I then trimmed out the door with the FRP edging:

I then installed the plexi(double sealed panes), which fits perfectly in the FRP edging:

Started installing the LED lighting, mini hair dryer for heating, a fan to circulate air, and the temp probes, did a test fit midway though:

With the lights out:

Then I built its clone:

Lights out

They fit nicely into “The Cellar”

Which fits nicely into “The Beerery”


Nice build. Jealous of your setup.

That is one rocking setup. Awesome.

Great work. Starting to think about planning out my brewing space as I think we will be in this house for awhile now. Really like your layout

That’s sweet.  Just for reference, how big are those fermenters?  Could you fit a carboy or betterbottle in those fridges?

Got mine earlier this week! Been thinking of a way to regulate the temp.  The mini fridge i have now is to small for this guy.

Looking good! Well thought out.

Very nice!

Yea, That’s quite the set up you have there. I’ll be happy when I have an old fridge to start regulating fermentation temp.

Please stop. The envy is painful.

With a fair degree of certainty I can say that I would be unemployed, single or both if I had a set up like that.  There is some great thought put into what you’re doing.  Thanks for sharing.

Nice looking rig, congrats!

Where are you heading with that 90 ell on the racking port?

That is a brewhaus to be proud of! With those SS fermentor’s you don’t need to do any type of modifications to the inside part of the fridge?

love it, nice hack!

The buckets are 20.5" H x 12.5" W  , looks like you have about 6" to the bottom of the freezer…if that helps?

Thanks guys!

Is that 12.5" at the lid on or at the base? Looks like the vessel flares.

I would say thats at the top (widest part).


How are you planning to rack out the bottom fermenter?

I lift it out and set it on the top of the Keezer.