Had my old fermentation chamber die, so I decided to go a new route and built something a little different. I had been running a single brewpi, but with the new setup I wanted independent controls for each fermenter. I started with the addition of these:
Then I bought a few of these from amazon for cheap:
Against my wifes dismay, I did what any normal person would do and strip it down and cut a giant rectangle out of the door.
Then I went to Home Depot and picked up some supplies…FRP edging, some silicone and a couple sheets of plexi. I then trimmed out the door with the FRP edging:
I then installed the plexi(double sealed panes), which fits perfectly in the FRP edging:
Started installing the LED lighting, mini hair dryer for heating, a fan to circulate air, and the temp probes, did a test fit midway though:
With a fair degree of certainty I can say that I would be unemployed, single or both if I had a set up like that. There is some great thought put into what you’re doing. Thanks for sharing.