So I just got my membership to the AHA and know that the main selling points are the subscription to Zymurgy and the brew pub discounts, but in Minnesota our list of good brew pubs is rather sad (unless Old Chicago and Granite City is your thing). With only two independent local brew pubs (and one that’s over two hours away), I have to realize the benefits of this membership elsewhere.
Where do you guys find the most value out of your membership? And where does a new member even begin to get involved and realize the value of the annual dues?
If you brew for competitions you can save 5 bucks per entry on NHC, to late for this year but there is always next year.
Some homebrew shops have AHA discounts as well. I THINK morebeer does but that might only be in store or I might be completely mistaken.
on the pub discount front, I have used mine a couple times when travelling. If you are taking a trip somewhere check out the pub discount page to find interesting places to use your card!
you can now also look at some back issues of zymurgy online which is nice. so even though you only just became a member you have access to any issue of the mag that has been uploaded to eZymurgy format.
Yeah, Northern Brewer is our local homebrew shop and they give a discount, but they also provide the discount for Minnesota Public Radio members, too — and despite my groveling and pleading, they won’t combine the discounts. :
Speaking of competitions, are there lists anywhere that have competitions that are open to entries nation-wide? I’ve seen some for various regions (like there’s a brew pub in Madison, WI that’s having one in a few months), but I’m not sure what competitions would be alright for out-of-state home brewers to enter in.
does the discount apply to internet sales as well? Do you know how you go about doing that? I order a lot from them and would love to save a few bucks.
Yes, their discount applies to online sales too. I just state that I’m a member and add my member number in the section where you can add comments right before you place your online order.