Hey guys. I just registered today so please don’t unleash your inner troll.
My questions is this… I live in the booming metropolis of Charleston, WV. The closest place I could use my AHA membership for a discount is 3 hours away. There are no homebrew shops in my area. I usually order stuff online. That being said, without discounts anywhere reasonable to where I live, what would be the perks of becoming a member of the AHA?
Also curious, do you get a membership card to show places that offer the discount.
The trolls tend to be very well behaved for the most part.
I have been a member for almost 4 years now and I’ve probably used my discount two or three times max. It was great when I found myself somewhere I could use it but locally most of the places I go give me as good or better discounts based on my homebrew club affiliation so I don’t use the AHA discounts.
I do love getting the magazine every other month (wish it was more often but you take what you can get). The opportunity to attend NHC (The conference) and compete in NHC (the contest), the ability to vote for the governing committee, and the satisfaction of knowing you are helping out a good organization that helps expand our hobby and protect our rights are the big selling points for me.
Come on, man. Don’t assume there’s a bunch of trolls here. That’s kinda trolling itself in a way. Relax and enjoy the forum! And welcome! Bunch of good folks here.
As far as the discounts go, the reason I support the AHA is because it supports your beer drinking privileges. I have been a member for 10 years and only used my discount once.
Honestly - this forum is worth the price of membership. Its a fantastic resource.
The NHC presentations are also a valuable resource. NHC is so jam-packed with great presentations by folks that know. their. stuff. Flip through those when you have a chance! I put them on my phone like podcasts. Only one dud that I can think of… :o
I totally agree with the other forum members. I’ve used my discount card a handful of times ever, and I feel like the membership is a steal - if all it got me in return was inclusion in the lobbying body that expands and protects our homebrewing rights, I’d feel it was $$ well spent. But I get an invite to NHC (conference and comp), the excellent magazine, and discount card to boot.
And Kyle is right - the forum alone is worth the price of the membership. IMO the best brewing info on the net is here. Don’t even need to be a troll to use it.
Getting Zymurgy every other month and also getting all the back copies electronically is worth it for me. Haven’t had the opportunity to get discounts so far.
I get way over my membership cost in discounts every year. Used it 4 times this week alone. But zymurgy, the forum, the nhc, and promotion of the hobby all are worth the cost on their own
I’ve been a card carrying member since 1997 and so far have not used the discounts even once. Zymurgy alone would be worth the price of admission for me. Supporting the lobbying efforts in every state and in Washington, the endless supply of bumper stickers and the book discounts are just icing on the cake.
Welcome to the forum! As others have mention we really don’t troll here so fear not.
Between the mag and access to the NHC presentations that pretty much pays for the membership.
There aren’t many places locally that accept the discount and I’ve been lazy about using it on trips at places where I would get a discount but if you travel to a beer destination you can get huge savings. The first time I went to Colorado I think between my wife and I we saved what we paid for the membership that year. I was able to break out the AHA card almost as much as I did the credit card to pay for beer.
I tell people we’re in the same “club”…usually gets me a couple “Who?” or blank stares but one day it will pay off with a free beer or something ;D
I love having access to the NHC seminars and I listen to them in the car on the way to work. Not just the ones I missed but also to reinforce the info from the ones I attended (especially those on Saturday after club night :o )
I’m lucky that I live near several places that offer discounts and I’ll admit that the discounts are what ‘justified’ my membership at first. But after being in AHA for years I wouldn’t cancel if I moved away. NHC is great, Zymurgy is great, and I think supporting homebrewing/brewing support and lobbying is great. Actually, my wife and I have a family membership and the extra cost does not earn us any additional discounts.
Also, now you’ll have access to years of eZymurgy issues online. I’ve used this several time to read older articles and find recipes.
Yes, one of the things I like best about being a member is the friendships that are created. Homebrewers are generally great folks, and always willing to share their expertise.