New toy

I picked up a floor corker yesterday. Today it took over the kitchen while my wife was at work. Got a good start on my sour pipeline. 5 gallons farmhouse cherry, 5 gallons peach, and 2.5 gallons blended. I think I like bottling again, 750s with corks makes it pretty easy.

You screwed up Jim. Floor corkers go on the floor. n00b

Yeah… And there’s a chair on the counter. My wife would grab a bottle (full) and whack me for that one!

Pretty stinkin’ cool Jim!

Check out all the canned goods on top of the cabinets. I’m moving in.

I prefer not to bend over repeatedly, so I make adjustments to the feng shui. Lifting and carrying those 30Ls when they are nearly full is exciting.

By the way, I tried out corking in a belgian flip top with the flip top removed and I think it will work like a champ. Unfortunately I did that at my LHBS and didn’t take a picture. It works fine though and the cages fit nicely

That’s Terri’s hobby. She makes awesome pickled beans and aspergrass, tomatoes ain’t too shabby either.

Most important part of your comment, I know the struggle!

Actually she’s pretty good about my hobbies. In 2010 she let me use the spare bedroom as a paint booth when I rebuilt my Heritage. Of course I ended up tearing out the carpet and installing Pergo and repainting the room when I was done.

BTW I really miss that bike!

Lovely bike.

I miss mine. I wrecked it several years ago resulting in a broken femur. Bike was fixed in 2 weeks, my leg took two years. Can’t ride it without getting sweaty and nervous on the highway. I guess I should do a Sturgis run to get over that - but… I don’t want to panic in backwater Oklahoma or Texas and hitch back home.

On that note, if someone wants a 2004 Honda VTX1200C, holler. Needs a carb rebuild. Will make a great deal on it! :slight_smile:

We cork all of our mead. We usually do 3 or 4 5gal carboys at a time so 75-100 750’s. Its usually a long but fun night. Each kind gets sampled.

I’ve had the same corker for about 10 years. It’s a nice piece of equipment.

Same as mine?

We have the red kind and its been in use for close to 20 years

Looks exactly the same. Italian floor corker? I got mine from MoreBeer for my birthday years ago from my darling wife.

Probably the same or similar. Mine has a sticker that says Grifo

I’d take a pic of mine but it is down at brewery, but they look exactly the same. I have an attachment that allows you to transform it to a capper as well.

Nice I might have to try that too

Do you see two little hooks on the compression part of the corker? That’s where the capper attachment fits. I zoomed in and it looks like they are there. It just latches on. If you have the corker you should just go ahead and get the capper attachment too. It’s pretty nice and will cap any size bottle.

I guess I dont see hooks. I wish I had a user guide or instructions. Didnt come with any and no luck online so far.