Well new to me anyway. Looking forward to adventures. I need to start bottling more now I guess
Very nice.
Sweet. Brewery lab on wheels!
Nice! Perhaps a couple of taps out the side?
I saw something (maybe on the old Brewhaha?) where somebody had converted their RV faucet to dispense beer.
Check out this link - looks pretty sweet.
You can drive it somewhere where you have a view of a nice mountain.
Good idea!
nice. it’s kinda fun to be able to drive somewhere amazing and still be at home.
Wow. Sweet rig.
Where are you going to fit the bike? Around here they flip the springs to make them off road capable and then tie on a wheeler trailer on the back that you can’t even see in the rear view until it flies off into the borrow ditch.
That dog looks like a riot. I want one.
Yup, we miss our dogs when we do hotel trips. I’m turning into a sap in my old age
we almost bought something similar about a year ago. Then we realized that my wife never has time to go anywhere anyway!
Well, the plan is to buy a loader and carry the bike in the truck. But they are $2k so I have time to think about that. I keep picturing coming back to the trailer and finding a note that my dogs are in jail for barking… or a grizzly has tore a hole in the wall to get to them.
This is the loader…
The dog in the photo is Doober. He’s a rescued pure bread doxy with a color they call pie-bald. Our other dog is Squirrel, a rescued chihuahua-Russell mix.
We only have limited time too. We both work shift work with rotating days off, so… good luck, right? But we’re going to make the best of it. Terri’s folks have been full time RVing for over 20 years now, bouncing between long term BLM in Arizona and summers in Montana and our place. That might be our future, in about 10 years LOL. I’ve spent my entire adult life on wheels of one kind or another. I honestly can’t see retiring and staying in one place. We’ll see I guess.
Another issue for us was that we don’t have anything that would pull a trailer. I did some research and discovered I can rent an RV for the amount of time we’d actually use it for a fraction if what payments on a nice trailer would be. And we’re pretty much settled here…never have any plans to leave. I don’t think my wife could ever give up her garden and soon-to-be chickens.
RV rentals are nice, but the rental price doesn’t normally include mileage and they charge $0.30-0.40 per mile. Couple that with low fuel economy, and the vacation can get expensive quick.
Dennys trailer and new truck pmt might justify the mileage, but ya… rentals not cheap.
Denny, I’m in the same boat. Crossing my fingers to be able to keep home base and travel too. We’ll see. Nomad equals no brewing no garden no chickens. No cats. Hmmm no cats almost makes it doable
It’s gorgeous out and I’m enjoying happy hour in my driveway. Nice enough view that I don’t really have to go anywhere. But the boys just don’t understand why I won’t come inside.
a “pie-bald pure bread doxy named Doober”?

Dennys trailer and new truck pmt might justify the mileage, but ya… rentals not cheap.
Denny, I’m in the same boat. Crossing my fingers to be able to keep home base and travel too. We’ll see. Nomad equals no brewing no garden no chickens. No cats. Hmmm no cats almost makes it doable
5 cats and 2 dogs here…one of the dogs is genuinely crazy and we have to have special care for him if we’re not here. Makes even getting away for a couple days difficult.