So the question is do we tape just the Bar code to the bottle or the entire label that has the category # and additional information. If I remeber in the past it was just the bar code? The way that the labels print out thought makes me second guess. Anyone know?
From the brewing competition site (, I would think the entire lable:
Registration Bottle Labels
Print your bottle labels by going to and logging in using the same user name and password you established at your NHC regional competition website. From your My Info and Entries page, click the “View/Print Bottle Labels” link for each of your entries and print the labels. Cut out these labels and tape one to each of three bottles with clear packaging tape. Place the label horizontally on the bottle near the top of the barrel (not the neck) of the bottle. Be sure to match the Category Number and Subcategory Letter on the labels to the proper entry. All other identifying marks must be removed. Any writing on the bottle cap must be blacked-out with indelible ink. Your bottles must contain 10-14 ounces in volume and meet the bottle requirements in the 2013 NHC Rules & Regulations.
Also, my labels don’t have a bar code, just a big empty box in the middle.
I read that portion online, and from that it sounds like it needs the entire bottle label. Mine have the barcode along with a number below it; Entry number?
Yes. The whole label will be taped to the entry.
Amanda is correct; please cut out the entire label and tape it on the bottle. This will have a bar code, the category number and sub cat letter, special ingredient info, and strength, carbonation, and sweetness info for the Mead and Cider entries. Thanks!
Is your browser not downloading images?
- Sent by my R2 unit
Stephen, if your barcode is not showing up, make sure your browser is not blocking images for some reason (as Jimmy suggests). If you are still having trouble PM me and we’ll try to figure out a solution.
Yes, it was the web filter blocking it. I usually have an alternate network connection to circumvent that but was not connected there. It’s been one of those day >:(
I’ve got my kids dressed for the party… here’s what my labels look like