2011 NHC label requirements

Is there a link on the website anywhere to print out labels for the NHC or do i have to make them myself? If i have to make them is there any specific requirements other than how to secure them (no tape or glue)?


After you’ve registered and paid there’s a link right there on the registration site to Print Labels.

I registered last week. Can i still pull them up?

Contact Janis Gross.  Be nice, she has a lot going on from now until the awards ceremony at the NHC.  She does the heavy lifting for the National Homebrewers Competition.


Yes, you can still pull them up as long as you’re registered and paid for your entries before the cutoff.  You shouldn’t need to contact Janis for this.  You just need to find the right button.

Go here:  http://www.brewingcompetition.com/NHC/nhc.php

Log in.  Click on VIEW/CHANGE/PRINT ENTRIES.  Then click on PRINT LABELS.

Tygo, was not able to get there today.

I have one that I want to change subcategories for, after tasting it today.  Thanks.

Yeah, if you wanted to change something I could see that being something you’d need help with.  You couldn’t get into the registration site?  I was in there as I was typing out my previous post.

I just tried and was able to get to mine.

My usual way in was not there today, as I was going in through the register link which is closed.  Tygo’s link worked.

They took the link down from the site on the AHA website.  I found it in the rules PDF.  In the future they might want to keep that link up there until the submission deadline is past.

Hi all,

I’m sorry I took down all of the links to the Online registrations program.  The link is http://www.brewingcompetition.com/NHC/nhc.php

I have added one live link on the Entry Shipping/Drop-off page: http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/pages/competitions/national-homebrew-competition/participate/entry-shipping-drop-off.

Good luck in the competition!


Thanks for posting these Janis.  I know you are busy until the awards banquet, and even until everything is mailed out afterwards.

My entries are good to go right now, all bottled and labels are on with the rubber band.  Picking up others from the club on the 29th, going to see my brother in Indianpolis, and will drop off on the 30th.  Should be a fun trip.

Good luck to one and all!