Has anyone that made it through to the final round gotten any email notification with ID bottle labels to tape to their final round entries yet?
I did receive my ribbon and a general “thank you for entering” form and in years passed that was typically when they would also mail out the ID bottle labels as well usually making it to my house by early to mid-May. I feel that they are cutting this one a bit close seeing as how the info is supposed to be in our emails by the end of this week, yet they want the beers to arrive no later than June 2nd. I know it is a lot of work for organization purposes but was just curious to see what others thought about this…
If you had logged in to the First Round database after all competitions were done, you could have downloaded the PDF letter and PDF certificates from your record. Entrants who placed in the First Round would find the Instructions for Entering the Final Round on pages 2 and 3 of the letter. Since you did not do that, please use the same username and same password to log into http://www.brewingcompetition.com/FINAL/.
Note: you must NOT be logged in to the First Round database when you log in to the Final Round database.
An e-mail is being sent to all First Round entrants with winning entries today.