NHC2010 Seminar on Brewery Tips & Layout - Need Your Input!

Hello all TechTalkers!  John here from Blichmann Engineering.  I am going to be a speaker at the 2010 NHC in Minneapolis this year and the topic of my seminar is “Tips and Tricks to Set Up Your Own Home Brewery”.  When I came up with this idea on the way home from the 2009 NHC I immediately thought of it being a cool way to gather all the knowledge of the TechTalk brewers and consolidate it into an awesome collection of brewing knowledge to share with everyone.  In short, all of us are way better brewers than any one of us!

That said I am looking for one or two great tips from each of you – I’ll consolidate and pick the best of the best to put in the presentation and of course due recognition will be given.  I don’t want this to be a “here’s John Blichmann’s brewery” talk, but a great volume of ideas from the collective brewing community.  Here’s the overview of the presentation:

This will be a fast paced and interactive forum of great tips and techniques for organizing, designing and planning your brewery layout and brew day to make your brewing experience faster and more enjoyable.  We’ve solicited the best ideas from hundreds of brewers on the AHA TechTalk, and combined them with our experience to bring you an awesome summary of simple tips like preventing boil-over’s, through detailed home brewery design.

So what we’re looking for specifically:

Smart cool ideas for organizing your brewing area.  Especially those where space is an issue.  Garage brewers and kitchen brewers – what do you do to get set up and torn down in a hurry and organize your wares?  Plan your brew day? What problems in your brew day have you resolved with a simple technique or trick?  Think about short cuts for cleaning & sanitizing, efficient layout of your brew space. Indoor brewers – what systems have you implemented to make this work well for you?

I have set up an email account NHC2010@BlichmannEngineering.com for you to email me your ideas.

I can’t promise I’ll get them all in the talk but I’ll do my best!  Be sure to provide your name, city/state and your homebrew club so we can recognize your contribution.  Pics are very important, so send them along with your description but keep it to a few small size images (640X480 pixels or one MB each is plenty big for Power Point).

Thanks in advance and hope to see you in Minnesota!