no carbonation

what would you guys do???

i have bottled a batch of imperial ipa and the entire batch is not carbonated, [ 3 out of the 60 bottles so far ] can i drop in a carb tab to each bottle to get it carbonated at this point in the game?
  • carb tabs
  • more sugar
0 voters

How long has it been in bottles and at what temperature?

How long did it sit before bottling?  What is the complete timeline?  What is the ABV of the beer?

Did you add priming sugar?

How much priming sugar did you use? How long have the bottles been conditioning, and at what temp? What size bottles? (12oz longnecks? 16oz swingtops? 22oz bombers? etc.) Did you cold-crash prior to bottling? What is the ABV of the beer? What yeast did you use? Did you add any extra yeast at bottling?

Help us help you - give us as much detail as you can.

I did not vote because carb tabs = more sugar.

If you’ve added priming sugar then I suspect that your yeast is dead. You can try adding a few grains of dry yeast to some bottles.

Best to always reyeast on high gravity beers. You might rehydrate some US-05 and use an eye dropper and add a bit of yeast to each bottle and recap.

to reply to all of you, i did 12 22 oz bombers and the rest are 12 oz long necks. i added 1 cup priming priming to about 3 cups water and boiled 10 minutes before cooling and adding to beer at bottling. and i always gently stir it to mix it with a sterilized spoon. it has been sitting at about 70 for a month now. i double pitched san diego super intially and pitched a third using a starter a few weeks before bottling. the final abv was 10%. what would be the easiest way without sacrificing anything, this is my favorite style of beer and dont want to have to use this batch for cooking!!

Of the three bottles you opened…did they taste sweet? If not, one of two things, leaky caps released your CO2 or poor mixing. If they taste sweet, dead yeast or not enough time.

I would follow my advice above. Reyeast with some dry yeast, rehydrating a pack of USo5 and add a dropper full to each bottle and recap. If possible warm to mid 70’s for 7-10 days. I bet they carb up.

i will give it one more try and if it is still flat i will reyeast. with a full dropper, and yes, it tasted sweet. i am assuming that the yeast should be rehydrated but not “started”? thanx for all the help. i am new to homebrewing. only been at it a year or so and still learning alot. this website has been alot of help.

That’s a good question. I think rehydrated should do the trick but if you can get it started that may work better, though it will be messier. Don’t be afraid to warm them up into the mid, even high 70s.

Your description of your priming technique sounds fine, so it must be that the yeast is kaput.