First off as the title suggests I am rather new to homebrewing. My first batch was Blackberry and Plain Mead(which is in secondary) and my first completed batch was Tart Cherry Apple cider which came out tasting amazing and at 5.25%ABV. My 2nd batch of Cider is Blackberry and plain both are 4.5gal which I racked and chilled today. I was thinking plain cider would be kind of boring so I was wondering if anyone had tried doing a caramel flavor using something like Brewers Best: Natural Caramel Flavoring. This is the brand I used for both my Blackberry mead and cider, I like the way the flavor came out with it. I was thinking doing part of the caramel apple with a small cut of a cinnamon stick in it. I can definitely say that the Tart Cherry Apple will probably be back the next batch, lol, its so freaking good. I am really enjoying homebrewing…I think I may need to build a wine rack soon, lol. Anyway back to my question, How do you think a Caramel Apple (with or without cinnamon) would turn out? My wife really loves caramel so I was thinking about it more for her and for bringing to family gatherings.
You should consider that your cider likely will end up with little apple flavor to complement the caramel.
True…what is I also added a lil of the apple flavoring to boost it as well? I would add some frozen to boost the flavor as i have read that helps but i don’t want to put it back into fermentation.
And it will start refermenting unless you sorbate the yeast. More hassle than I personally care to deal with. hat about making some caramel with cinnamon and adding it to a glass of cider?