Northdown Hops

I’m planning to brew an English ale this weekend and have never used Northdown hops.  Not even sure I’ve seen them at the store, but I’ve never looked.

My typical English hops (which I have aplenty) are Fuggles and EKG.

What can I sub for Northdown?

I’ve got bunches of other hops, and will also be hitting the LHBS later today.



Northdowns are pretty unique. Since you are brewing an English ale, if you can’t find Northdown, then I would probably look for Challenger, Target, then Northern Brewer in that order.

You can also look for the other Brit hops like Whitbread Goldings (nothing like EKGs) and Bramling Cross, but those are more like Fuggles than Northdown (read: dirt).

Thanks.  I’ll see what they have the the HBS.  Checking out a new local place today.

Much closer to home, so if they’ve got good inventory and prices they may be the new place for me.