I’d be curious to know how many people who “swore them off permanently” due to ABInbev’s purchase will start ordering from them again.
Pretty funny if you ask me.
I have sworn off of them due to their prices. But, they do have good sales from time to time.
I still bought stuff on occasion since their customer service was pretty good. I bought more stuff from More Beer since they have a distribution facility in Pittsburgh and I could usually get one day service.
Never really bought stuff from Northern Brewer. They have always been inferior to MoreBeer in virtually every way.
MoreBeer has always had the best prices, best shipping times and policy (free shipping for orders over $59), best customer service and (almost) the best selection. What’s not to love?
I’ve usually found price and service superior at other sites, but have still occasionally bought the odd item I can’t get elsewhere from them.
I did feel a big weather front come through yesterday. At least I thought that’s what it was. Guess it was a collective drop in blood pressure among the mass of conflicted homebrewers.
The only thing I ever bought from them was caramel rye, which MB & Williams don’t carry. NB, Midwest and HBS in Texas just can’t compete pricewise, especially with shipping costs.
It will be sold again in3-7 years. This is how VC works.
I stopped using Northern Brewer when I learned from personal experience that they cherry picked the customer reviews on products they sold. If the review was not favorable to a big name (like Blichmann, for example) they didn’t post it.
Haven’t ordered anything from them in years - back when Keeler, Dawson and Walton were doing the Brewing TV segments I supported them, then just didn’t see the reason when compared to More Beer and Williams Brewing, Brew Hardware, etc…plus their forum just faded away.
Never really bought stuff from Northern Brewer. They have always been inferior to MoreBeer in virtually every way.
MoreBeer has always had the best prices, best shipping times and policy (free shipping for orders over $59), best customer service and (almost) the best selection. What’s not to love?
I like MoreBeer and order from them as well but the “Out of Stock” on every other item a couple years ago really got on my nerves and NB generally had the items on their site “in stock”. So often NB got my sale.
9/21/19 NB mpls store to close. 30% off “all” in store purchaces. Everything on the tab. Grain also.
I read it’s just the Minneapolis store. Their other locations including St Paul and Midwest stores are staying. For now. I wonder how many people within driving distance order online and take delivery anyway. I know I’m guilty of getting so lazy I’ve ordered something from Amazon I could get locally. But I can’t imagine not having a LHBS when I want one.
I read it’s just the Minneapolis store. Their other locations including St Paul and Midwest stores are staying. For now. I wonder how many people within driving distance order online and take delivery anyway. I know I’m guilty of getting so lazy I’ve ordered something from Amazon I could get locally. But I can’t imagine not having a LHBS when I want one.
Then you’d hate living here in BFE Rob, the nearest LHBS is 125 miles away, and I have more stuff of a wider variety in my basement than they have on hand. The next closest LHBS’ would be about 300 miles away.
Honestly surprised they had not closed some locations following the merger with Midwest and all the competition online.

9/21/19 NB mpls store to close. 30% off “all” in store purchaces. Everything on the tab. Grain also.
I was thinking of placing an order with N B, mostly because they have Maris otter extract, but I think I’ll hold off until I see how the former mpls store employees are treated.
FWIW, they have always been my LHBS. I wasn’t crazy about the AB InBev acquisition, but I’ve always liked the people in the stores. The last time I was in the store, I was going to brew a Czech Pilsner. They didn’t have a single package of Czech yeast on hand which was frustrating, but I guess I now know why.
I don’t know why (since they were the same company), but I never really cared for Midwest. Always felt a bit sketchy with the hydroponics section. Plus, it just seemed a little more unorganized than the Minneapolis NB store.
I think it will move again. The VC company that bought it will either ultimately close it down, or sell again (that’s what I’ve read is their history). I’m not worried as if there is enough demand for a local store, one will open again.
If I’m honest, the location of my LHBS is not my biggest problem. It’s the guy behind this keyboard.
Wow, business is a crazy thing. Haven’t bought from them in years. I bought a lot from them and Midwest in the beginning. The competition now is crazy strong. I’m glad to finally have a good LHBS that is only 30 minutes away. I’ll gladly pay a little more to help keep them going. So many changes in Homebrew supply over the last 5 years. Guess I’m crazy for being more into brick and mortar.
Sure wish my town had a HB shop. 80,000 people live here, but no shop.