wants a hell of a lot more than what you paid. Some of their dry yeast prices are way out in outer space. Kind of funny. I saw for one 11g package the price was $18. Delivery? $15. lmao when I saw that.
Hey, you’re another canadian brewer here right? How do you like the OBK price hike? I ordered just a week before they did it.
Also BRY97 seems to be increasingly hard to come by here.
I have completely stopped using amazon for almost anything. I used american to order something recently since it was still cheaper even after conversion and import charges.
I joined an active homebrew club here and I will likely start to take advantage of group grain buys depending on the prices theyre talking about.
I don’t order from OBK that much any more. Their prices are too high and shipping is also. Most homebrew stores have raised their prices so you really have to shop around a lot. I have friends who vacation in the Boston area which helps a lot. I buy from Boston area shops and ship it to their friends house and they bring it back to me here in Canada.