I occasionally need to use a plastic bucket to ferment for space reasons. How long can a bucket go without being compromised? I heard vinyl tubing gets years of use. I assume buckets are the same. How do you all care for them? I have apparently been hyperparanoid about plastic and vinyl.
I’ve been using one for at least 4 years. I haven’t had any issues other than making sure the lid gets on tight. I clean it with PBW and then sani with star san. I dont use any hard brushes or anything, but I usually dont need to. A good soak in PBW lifts most stuff and any stubborn spots I can rub off with running water and my fingers.
I personally haven’t noticed any aroma or flavor issues and have never had an infection knock on wood. I only brew about 10 batches a year, so as always, your mileage may vary. If you use it more it’ll wear out faster.
Ethinson is right, be careful NOT to make any surface scratches in the plastic, practice good cleaning and sanitation methods and you should be fine. When you’re mixing in anything, be careful not to allow the spoon to contact the plastic and don’t use anything to clean the plastic other than PBW or another quality brewery cleaner.
I had many problems with plastic food grade buckets due, in part, to micro-fine surface scratches in the plastic. It’s in these scratches that the bad stuff hangs out. I now use glass or PET.
I still have one of my original buckets from when I started brewing 15 years and almost 300 batches ago.
My SOP is to soak in alkaline cleaner, using a kitchen sponge (not a scrubby) on any tough spots. On brew day I sanitize by mixing a gallon of iodophor, sealing the lid, and splashing it around for a couple minutes. Once a year I do a sanitation check by making an extra-large batch of starter wort, pouring about half a gallon into each bucket, splashing/rolling it around to contact the entire surface, and letting it sit at room temperature for a few days. If there’s no gravity drop or visible bubbling/pellicle/etc., the bucket can still be effectively sanitized.
I agree with Denny in that scratches in plastic and infections in beer are not mutually inclusive. If the scratches are clean and sanitized you’re good to go. The old saying that scratches harbor bacteria infers that the scratches were not cleaned or sanitized properly.
Do: Clean and sanitize as you would any other fermenter.
Don’t: Worry about scratches. Unless you’re digging into the plastic with an abrasive sponge, it won’t scratch. If you still worry about it, just buy another bucket, they’re super cheap.
Or use a fermenter made from PET, such as the Big Mouth Bubbler. PET is much harder and more scratch resistant than the type of plastic used to make buckets.
I too have used the same fermenting buckets for almost five years now. I use Star San to sanitize before each use, clean after each use with PBW and let dry completely before storage.
I have a couple of plastic buckets that are almost 7 years old and have a few scratches and I still get good beer out of them. I think as long as you’re cleaning them properly and sanitizing them each time, old buckets are fine.
Also, storing them like you’d store grains may be a good idea… cool and dry to avoid any chance of mold sneaking in.
I have one bucket, a stained bucket, that feels rough inside at wort level with a nice aroma of brews past. No real scratches or gouges. Cleaned only with water and paper towels for the most part.
Inherited from my father and has to be 30-35 years old. He bought it in the late 70s. He only did a small number of brews in it before sticking it in a closet. I used it more than he did starting in 2012. Still use it on occasion.