Off The Topper Kit

Picked up a few kits someone was giving away and this was one of them. A LOT of hops here!

I looked their 1 gal extract kit up and it shows an OG of 1.070, but when I run the numbers through Brewer’s Friend it shows 1.101.

Anyone brewed this kit? Curious what the numbers should be (OG and FG) and IBUs and SRM if anyone knows.

I’m also curious about the yeast (assuming he gave me what’s in the kit originally as I got the same yeast in the Hop Monster kit - Y444 American Yeast).

One gallon is just too little beer so I’ve been contemplating what I can do and thinking of combining them and using a little of what I have on hand to make an IPA or pale ale or some such so the numbers are important to me.

The kit comes with 1/4 lb of steeping grains, 1.5 lbs of Maillard Mart Golden LME, 1 lb of Briess Golden DME. For whatever reason the directions state to use the 5 oz of priming sugar (corn sugar) at the end of the boil. Who writes this stuff??? I hadn’t even included that in the boil and got the high OG.

It’s common to add sugar to stronger IPAs to dry them out, else they can be pretty undrinkable. Malt extract may exacerbate the high FG issue, but I’ve never tried HT or any of it’s clones.

If you don’t want to add flavor, corn sugar is a good choice, and everyone seems to have at least a couple bags laying around from old kits. I think the Pliny clone I brewed called for corn sugar. (I used invert, surprise surprise…)

Replacing some malt with some sugar will or should make that beer have a lower finishing gravity than it’s all grain predecessor with both beers having the same OG. But simply adding sugar to a beer won’t make it have a lower finishing gravity. It will just have a higher gravity and finish about the same FG as it would have if you hadn’t added sugar. Simple sugar doesn’t do anything to the unfermentable sugars still in the recipe unless you replace unfermentable sugars with fermentable sugars.

Sorry I wasn’t more specific. I was at a loss for why the directions stated to add the priming sugar at the end of the boil when that’s not when it’s used. Guess they just used the wrong wording as 5 oz of corn sugar would be way too much for 8-9 bottles of beer.

I’m wondering what the OG is for those who’ve brewed it as the numbers don’t match, and I hadn’t included the corn sugar to what I ran through the calculator which would only make it that much further apart.

So has anyone brewed this kit and can confirm the numbers?

Haven’t brewed it but can confirm that 2.5 lb extract in 1 gal will be ~1.100.

Scroll down to “additional information” and it shows it.


And here it states it a 1 gal kit:

how to use print screen

Those instructions say to start with 1.5 gal and then add the extracts, so pre-boil volume would be more like 1.8 gal, and with a 45 min stovetop boil they’re probably assuming closer to 1.5 gal at knockout.

I’m not really sure how much to account for boil off, but the instructions after the boil mention sanitizing the one gallon fermentor and not to fill it higher than the one gallon mark as the yeast need room to work. So the end product is to be one gallon.

Right, but they are likely factoring loss of a quart or two to the hops in the kettle.

Adding the 5 oz of corn sugar to the boil and working with the volume until it matches the OG of 1.070 I get a volume of 1.55 gals.

I’m going to have to go with their OG reading being for a larger volume than the stated 1 gal volume as LME and DME have fairly fixed ppg’s along with corn sugar. I’m not familiar with Maillard Malts but figure it should be fairly standard. Hopefully I won’t end up with a ridiculously low OG. I have DME but don’t like using that too close to the end of the boil since it takes a while to fully dissolve.

“So the “Additional Information” section lists pre-boil OG (70) and post-boil expected volume.”

I don’t see where it stated being pre boil gravity. As the corn sugar is added near the end that would help make up for a part of the gravity difference.

Thanks for the help.