Oklahoma FOAM Cup and MCAB

Just wanted to brag a little.  I entered FOAM Cup this year in OK (my first comp ever) and took Golds for my Blonde Ale and my Barleywine, and a Bronze for my Russian Imperial Stout.  I also took 2nd place Best in Show with the Barleywine. :smiley:

FOAM Cup is the only AHA sanctioned competition in OK, and an MCAB qualifier, so in 2 weeks, I’ve gone from never entered a competition, to planning for MCAB. Wooo…

twas my first competition too, and here I was thinking one gold and one bronze was good.  Thanks for the buzzkill!  ;D

Actually, I judged barleywines at FOAM Cup.  Yours was terrific, and the gold was well-deserved.  However the second place barleywine was 99.5% as good.  We argued and went back and forth for quite a while before declaring yours the winner.  Personally I think the two of them beat any other beer I had the entire competition.  Anyway, excellent, excellent beer.



Thanks Michael, I truly appreciate the feedback, especially since I really considered not entering the barleywine.  I was as excited for our new club, the Red Earth Brewers, for having as good a showing as we did despite our size.  I’ll look forward to getting the score sheets back.  I’m hooked on competition now.

Congrats on your two medals too BTW.  Which ones were yours?


I am kinda in the same boat.  I just started entering competitions this year.  My Shwarzbier took gold in the Foam Cup.  I sent 3 entries, but only placed one beer.  Pretty sweet though, since the MCAB sounds pretty cool, and I was so stoked to get a gold!.  So glad I got a medal since it is so pricey to ship beer from Hawaii to the competitions.

That’s awesome, congratulations!

sorry, didn’t see you had replied.  I won the partial english pale ale category with a simple SMASH ordinary bitter, and more surprisingly won a bronze with a belgian pale ale made with the spicy Corsendonk yeast.  Not my best beers, but solid anyway.  Looking forward to getting my feedback.
