Oktoberfest in January

Just 2 days of gelatin and this is after just a pint pour off. 1 gal starter(yep stir plate) and the brulosophy 22 day lager schedule.

This puppy is a clean lager …tastes pretty dang good also.

That’s a pretty looking beer.  Great beer to have a liter (or 3) of !  I’m totally sold on that fermentation schedule - I do something pretty similar .  I think a lot more brewers will start making lagers with a process where they have results that good and fast.

yep I agree 100%. I was skeptical, but this is my second lager doing that way, and I can say its sound practice.
This may be my best lager to date, and I have never entered competition but I’m going to look around and see whats coming up next…think I have a winner here.

O’fest is one of my top year-round favorites. I really need to try out the accelerated lager fermentation schedule. I’ve typically done something similar, but I think I wait a lot longer than needed before I start to ramp up my temps.

It’s really a great break through in home brew lagers. One thing for newer Brewers to lagering to keep in mind: good practices drive success. Proper amounts of healthy yeast Pitched, O2, pitching starter cold (most 46-48F) and holding around 50-52F for 5 days on average is key. If you ferment clean, this accelerated schedule really Works. I’m not sure it would have much success with warmer temps outside recommended lager practices  for Pitching and fermenting , as high levels of diacetyl or any off flavored derived from fermentation may impact results for this shortened schedule.

Happy Football day with Oktoberfest and friends.

Looks awesome. Love the sight of full liters, with home brew to boot. !

Those brews look awesome Ken

Yeah tastes even better in a liter jug… Or so my mind says :slight_smile:

And thus jugs are from Munich !

I ordered a half liter last time I was in Munich. The barmaid, old enough to be my grandma, informed me in broken English, “only women and children drink half liters.” I changed my order to the full.

That’s awesome!

Pretty funny. Gotta love a culture that has that much reverence for liters of beer. Great beer.

That’s classic Steve

If I owned a bar, I’d hire her.

Also, great pics!