Pitched one pouch into a Vienna Lager wort - at 11:30 am, 83F; steady CO2 Bubbling by 1:30 pm. If this tastes as good as it starts, there will be one more Kveik convert…But I am still a slight skeptic on this as a lager. For those with experience on this strain- after it finishes, do you cold crash just like a typical lager routine?
I certainly haven’t tasted all the kveik strains, but none that I have tasted are anywhere near clean.
That is my impression, as well, Denny. Hornindal, Voss, Jernes, all were not striking the pleasurable chord on my palate. I thought I would give this one a try, since I mostly brew lagers and this strain is supposed to be “lagerish” in its clean profile. I’ll report back. If it is pleasant, then I might do a split wort and see what others say in a side by side or triangle test. It might be difficult to line up tasters under the present circumstances…
Excited to hear your impressions! I’ve usually cold crashed my kveik beers, but it’s been a mixed bag in terms of clarity.
I haven’t tried Lutra, but Oslo stayed a bit hazy after cold crashing and is maybe an American ale substitute. Any reason not to do the split batch now? Then you at least have half you like.
. Well I would have to brew again, since this one is already going. I prefer to use one wort fermented with different strains to keep the variables down between the batches being compared… so I will do a similar beer and make 10 gallons total, split into two Five gallon fermenters.
It finished by late in the morning Tuesday and I racked it to keg on Tuesday evening. I will sample it tonight or tomorrow and see what it tastes like. The little bit in the hydrometer seemed a bit yeasty, but at 80 degrees, I don’t think it was representative of a cooler and carbonated beer.
I have used the original Skare culture that I believe Lutra was isolated from. Its pretty clean and light bodied. I dont think you can make a lager without lager yeast though, but it does make a clean tasting beer.
Looking at a dead clear Vienna made with Lutra. Tastes pretty good to me. It was fined, but Lutra seems to flock pretty hard. Love to hear other’s impression. Way cleaner than some of the other Kveik strains I have used. Works well for clean ales as well. The other strains seem best for NEIPA. I have a few other lager grists in its future was very happy with a couple of ale builds and want to go super clean to really see the character.
Escarpments Krispy is a blend of two strains from the Skare culture. They note they taste similar to Oslo. I wasn’t thrilled with Oslo as a “lager” yeast, but it seemed fine as an american ale replacement. It’s a bit more work than chucking a packet of US-05 in though.
I have a Helles side by side fermentation going now. 5 gallons Lutra repitch @75F and 5 gallons S -189 repitch at 56F. The Lutra finished in 3 days and the S-189 is close to spunding at day 4.
I will repost when these two are sampled, side by side, blind, assuming I can line up tasters for a panel, otherwise I will have me and my wife serve each other blindly a few times. At least it will be a data point.
Any updates? Interested to hear your impressions.
Couldn’t get the guys together, so the kegs are sitting on CO2. For the time being.
I pitched some Lutra on Saturday (first time also) and gravity is still dropping on Wednesday. It’s been sitting in the basement at 72F. How many days did you get out of your ferment?
I got to terminal gravity in 3 days at high 70’s F (using ambient temp at the time).
Well I figured I would be the guinea pig on this, since I couldn’t get people to commit to stopping by this weekend. My impression:
I can barely tell the difference between the two - it is more subtle than I would have thought. This Munich Helles was brewed on 9-12-20 and has the following grain Bill: Barke Pils (10lbs.), Proximity Pale Ale Malt (8 lbs.), Goldswaen Hell Malt (1 lb.) and Ireks Acidulated malt (1lb.). 1 oz. Magnum FWH and 1 oz. Mittelfrüh at 1 minute. Lutra fermented at 74-76F over 3 days, then racked to keg and cold crashed to 34F; S-189 fermented at 54-56F for six days, then racked to keg and cold crashed to 34F. Force carbed and My first sample was drawn today, 10-11-20.
Appearance is identical in color (lightly burnished gold) and yet clarity - I give it slightly to the Lutra at this point, though they are both very clear. The S-189 batch was moved from the original lagering chest to a serving chest a few days ago - so that may be significant as the Lutra did not move after first placement into the chest.
Aroma - both are very lightly aromatic with S-189 being a bit more bready and Lutra being just a hint of lemony citrus. Very neutral tones overall.
Flavor - S-189 is more subdued giving a clean lager crackery white bread flavored upfront and minimal aftertaste sounding in a slight graham cracker sweetness. Lutra is slightly sweeter up front and a lingering honey note. Not a lot of difference, though.
Mouthfeel is pretty identical, though S-189 has a bit more lager crispness; whereas the Lutra is more rounded again, the difference is very slight.
Overall impression- very similar beers- with selecting a style that is pretty “bland” and low hopped, so that yeast is the only significant flavor provider, I expected a greater difference between the two. I have to admit, this is a very clean Kveik. I wonder if the fact that it is a repitch (first repitch) has made a difference of significance? I wouldn’t say I am astounded, but Omega sure picked some clean traits on this strain. Yes, I used the word clean, because I cannot deny it. I honestly think I preferred it. I had doubts and would have given big odds against that outcome.
I’d have to agree on the clarity. I’ve been pulling a few samples (using a spigot) from my Lutra batch the past few days to check gravity and it’s notably clearer. I’ve been tasting it and haven’t noticed anything funky about it. Granted, it hasn’t been cold crashed, aged or dry hopped yet so we’ll see if those steps change anything. You can read through an inch of it and this is straight out of the fermenter. I even swirled this thing around a few days ago so stuff should have fluffed up and re-settled on the bottom/spigot. Not sure where all the gunk went.
would you be willing to test the post ferm PH of the two beers? Kveik has a tendency of finishing with a lower ph and I think that might be the cause of some of thin body issues Ive had with it
I’ve got zero activity with my Lutra schwarzbier 43 hours after pitching. I’ll check on it again tonight but jeez, kind of a lag on this one. I know I underpitched, AND am fermenting at “only” 70 F, and this is intended for a Lutra competition with the local club, so I don’t think I’ll add any more yeast even if this lags. But holy wah. I guess 2 grams in 0.8 gallons wasn’t enough. Maybe someone else can learn from my mistakes. I’ll keep in touch as to how this turns out, nice experiment actually. In the other 0.9 gallons (split 1.7-gallon batch), I used London ESB(!). That shows no activity yet either, but I used the same 2 grams so that it will be a nice side-by-side comparison eventually maybe, if they don’t get contaminated.
Looks like the closest match is 5 (I’m not sure how to read these things). According to my brewnotes the wort was at 6 during the boil (probably after adding the LME). I added an 1/8 cup of lemon juice but it didn’t seem to change.
Just fyi - I have a post here with a pic of the harvested Lutra https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php?topic=35766.msg449028#msg449028