Soon, I will be brewing a saison. I have brewed this many times before. But, I will use one of Omega’s strains for the first time. I think I will use the Saisonstein (OYL-500). yet, I see they have others. What is your favorite and why? Thanks in advance.
Saisonstein is a “genetic hybrid” - I think this means it is not a true hybrid - of Belgian saison yeast (Dupont) and French saison yeast. I prefer Dupont generally because of its superior flavor over the French, but the Dupont is harder to work with. Saisonstein is supposed to be the best of both worlds, but I tried it once and IME didn’t ferment dry using normal fermentation techniques. YMMV.
open ferment for the first 3 days in the mid to high 60’s letting it warm to the low 70’s during fermentation.